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Showing posts from November, 2017


Java is the most popular and long-lasting programming language for a lot of good reasons. With developers swearing by Java’s stability, it has been the go-to language for decades for most software developers.  Java emerged the most popular because of its capacity of operating in a similar manner on any operating system or hardware and its special portability. The 22 year old most robust, simple and secure programming language was released first on " 23 rd  of May in 1995!"   The invention was an accident : In 1992, James Gosling was working at Sun Labs when he and his team were building a set-top box and began clearing up C++. In the course of this project, they ended up with a new language and runtime. This is how Java or Oak came into being? What’s Oak? Read on... Oak was Java’s original name : "Oak" was the first name Java was given. It was later changed to Java by Sun’s marketing department. This is because lawyers at Sun discovered another IT com